Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Letter from your Editior

I'm so excited to final get started with bringing into existence Envision Magazine. I wanted for so long to start a magazine and to think my own magazine. I have a wonderful organization behind me in which am co/founder of as well, its called The power of vision empowerment circle there are four lovely ladies as part of this amazing empowerment circle. We all empower one another to be entrepreneur's and help others as well to achieve there visions. We have had four successful events and still striving, its hard in business but as a circle we give each other the power to go on to the next level. We all have strengths and weakness in our life but we always maintain ourselves and put our business first to be successful. This issue will focus on the empowerment circle and about the amazing other projects that's up and coming thru this circle. Envision is about learning to be and live a positive lifestyle so you can become a success through attitude not altitude.

Tarsha Haskins

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