Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Pink Conversations

Ok ladies! Now that we are in formation lets talk about it!

Welcome to Pink Conversations! The place where grown women talk!

Now, you know we have to touch up on all this drama that's going on it this country. #blacklivesmatter #alllivesmatter #bluelivesmatter... huh? first of all there wouldn't be a need for #blacklivesmatter if all lives truly mattered! So lets stop right there!

Secondly, to all those who are calling the black lives matter movement racist YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! Since when did sticking up for yourself become racist?

Third, there are bad bunches in all groups, doesn't matter if youre black white or purple, short and slim, or short and big, there is going to be a small bunch that just doesn't know how to act right! Get over it! no one group is perfect! not one!

Last but not least! for all those looking to get involved but just don't know how, The change starts with you! What we do causes a ripple. The ripple is going to affect other people. So what's going to be your ripple? A message of love and peace or hatred? the choice is yours! my favorite hashtag right now #lovematters lets ripple out some love!

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