Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Pink Conversations

Welcome to Pink Conversations!  Where grown women talk! Now lets get in formation ladies!

Ok, now lets be real! How many of you have heard of having a sugar daddy? You know, the older man who pays your bills in exchange for company or sexual favors. Is this cool? I know its hard out here, money is tight for us all, not like it used to be. College tuition has to be paid, the car note, money doesn't grow on trees we get it. But is having a sugar daddy the answer? How do you even get into having that conversation?  I need help with this one ladies! Help me out, because I might need to get me one of those too! Talk to me!

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