Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Grab them by the what?!!

Presidential candidate Donald Trump is no stranger to lewd behavior, he always seems to get a pass for it, but recently he was outed! Someone dug up a recorded conversation of the billionaire bully saying that he can grab an attractive woman by the pu@@y because he's famous and he can get away with it. So..... where are all the trump supporters now? This is the man they deemed fit to become president are they not going to stick up for their boy? I guess you can't with rape culture being one of Americas dark secrets, no one thought it could be brought up as national attention. Every case of rape can be pushed to the side and almost forgotten about until it rears its face almost to the white house. Also simultaneously as this tape surfaces a 10 month old has been raped and beaten to death! How can America sweep this one under the rug? What are his supporters going to say now?  What can the GOP say to cover this up at the same time show respect to this little girl, who was attacked by a man who obviously is submerged in rape culture?  What are your thoughts? Rest in peace Emmaleigh!

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