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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Pink Conversations

Welcome to Pink Conversations!
Where grown women talk!
OK ladies now let's get information!

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2017! 2016 was brutal wasn't it? We lost so many celebrities! We got Trump as president. Just a very strange year it turned out to be!

I wonder  how many of you are making the same resolution you made back  in 2016 that you are making in 2017? New year new me? Well what was wrong with you in the first place? Many of us try this "new" approach to life, promising ourselves that we will do better than the previous year. Truth is, nothings wrong with you. There isn't anything to change, only improve. Yes we can develop healthier relationships, yes we can improve on our finances, but we don't have to hold on to this notion of completely changing who we are. Everything we are and everything we are not makes us who we are! And there is nothing wrong with that! So new year new who? Name, not me! "Same ol' G".

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