Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Pink Conversations

Welcome to Pink Conversations! Where grown women talk!

Have you ever had a plan. Worked hard to get it going, went through all the right channels, made the right connections. Then somewhere down that path you start getting involved with something else and then BOOM! No longer interested in what the original plan was.  How do we loose momentum that easy? Is it that our heart wasn't in it in the first place? Maybe our attention span is that of a 2 year old? Hopefully not, lol!

I recently found myself in this predicament. I don't know if its because I have so much on my plate, or im just bored? Have you guys ever had these feelings? Talk to me. Please tell me im not alone here!

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