Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Friday, May 19, 2017

All Things C.U.T.E.

Hey Cuties,  

Happy May!  I don't know about y'all but I enjoy everything that comes along with spring, warm days cool evenings, rain, flowers,  ALL THAT!  But I don't think anyone saw these 90+ degree days sneaking up on us.  I wasn't readyyyy! (In my Kevin Hart) Lol.  All week I've been battling seasonal allergies😷 I refused to be caught in that heat, so in true Lynnette Brooks fashion I did a good ol' DIY.  

A couple months ago I purchased a storage shelf from Target to help store my materials and inventory.  (I'll leave the details on the shelf below.  I love it!)  Soon after it just became a shelf  with a mess on the shelves.  

I often browse through Pinterest and I always see so many useful ways to use wooden crates, so I decided that I would use them for creating storage compartments with a little Carry Me Cute NYC twist, Of Course!  Silly me forgot to take photos but I have the finished results.  

Things you"ll need:

So first I sanded down the rough edges of the wood crate to make applying the dye to the wood easier.

Next, I dabbed the dye on to the cloth and began to wipe the dye on to the crate.  During this step you may need to apply more than one coat to achieve your desired color.  

Wet another cloth and wipe of the excess dye. 

Total drying time is about 60-90 minutes, depending on how many coats. 

Wallah!  Super cute, colorful storage crates.  My work space happens to be one half of my living room, so this really helps keeps things organized.  Again there are so many DIY ideas on Pinterest for wooden crates, including really cool coffee tables.  Check it out!

Hope you all enjoyed. Until next time, stay C.U.T.E.

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