Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Friday, April 6, 2018

Breakthrough Sessions

Life is hard. It doesn't matter how you were raised, where you grew up, how much money you have. Life just seems to navigate through all of your plans and goals and just knocks them down like a bowling ball, sometimes leaving you with a spare.

We see it all the time, that perfect couple years ago is now getting a divorce, the star athelete who is now struggling to make ends meet, that business owner who had a successful restaurant once, but now has to close.  Life happens to everyone, with no exclusions!

The trick is, to not be attached to it. Learning to let things and people be as they are. See, we have these expectations of people. Some are preconceived, others might be based on how they have presented themselves. We hold on to these thoughts and expectations and when the situation unfolds and its a disaster, we panic. We dont know how to move, because this situation was not expected!

Detach! People hurt people, situations change and life will always stay the same....HARD! This is not to take away from building healthy relationships, but when it becomes too difficult, just let it be, and navigate through it. #breakthrough

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