Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Breakthrough Sessions

Breakthrough Sessions #2

What to do when you run out of motivation.

It happens a million times. We get this great idea, we do the research, get the basic knowledge on what to do and who does or did it well. We tell our friends and family, even some co workers. We sell our selves on this notion. We commit to this idea. We start the work, claim it, pray over it and give to the universe. Then all of a sudden, the effort slows down. The momentum is gone. And you're left with supplies and a To Do List just sitting wasting away.

What happened? We were ready! We invested our time and emotion into this so why dont we feel like seeing it through? Is it too hard? Is something blocking us? Maybe a bit more than we can chew? Well, im here to tell you that I've been through it many times! Ive started so many businesses, projects on top of my day job and being a mom, that i have run out of steam. But did I quit? No!

The answer is simple. If you find yourself looking at the To Do list and not accomplishing anything on it. Then just take a BREAK!  A lot of times we feel like the idea you had isnt good enough or you really dont know how to start, this doesn't mean give up. It just means you might have put too much on your plate at the moment and you need to schedule your time instead of piling everything on your plate at once. Wait a few months to start that new idea. Wait until you are finished with one task to begin another, or wait until what you are working in becomes automated, then begin something else.

Never take on too much! We are all human, none of us run on a program. Time management is key! Dont overload yourself. Once a vision is given to you it is yours! Manage yourself and your time accordingly!


Anonymous said...

+Radek Tuba Ogladam na co dzien:D

Anonymous said...

Amazing, guys! I alsao vistited this fantastic place!! I cant
understand how some peeople can dislike it?!  They just envy!