Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How group chat brought my children closer

As a mom, I have seen so many siblings not getting along and as these siblings get older they despise one another.  So I said as a Mother of 6 how do I make that change were my children are close in family with one another. So I put them all in a group chat together, I explained that the group chat was only for them to discuss there dreams , Hope's. Accomplishments and frustrations.

Group chats I realized it can bring people together,  form relationships and be a form of therapy for the lonely or the shy. You can be social and online too. It's about being truthful and really getting to know the other person without disclosing too much information. As for my children I always check the group to see what's being said and I love to see them sharing there accomplishments and cheering each other on it's like have a team of go getters and all of them wanting and wishing you get yours never no hate. Its times were there are funny jokes going on in the group chat. Its times were frustration is going on and they all come together as brothers and sisters to console one another. It's amazing how this group chat with my children became a family thing and its becoming our new language. No matter how far they are they manage to be social with each other daily.

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