Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I normally dont write about things like this, but this virus is so deadly. They still dont have a clue to what will happen next.  Everyday is a roll of the dice with thousands of lives lost. My heart hurts for the people that lost there live to covid 19. I lost coworkers and friends this virus hit so close to home. I even had a scare myself with exposure. In the last few weeks everyone's live has changed. Things will never be the same again. We cant keep guessing with this virus. The American people has a right to know the truth and if you dont know. Say just that I dont know. The decision's we make today will be our future. No rush to open up so quickly , its understanding that we all have Bill's to pay , we all have responsibility. Wear your mask not just for your safety , but for everyone around you there safety too. The live you save will be your own and others. This is were responsibility comes into play. If you know smoke will kill someone , you would think twice about lighting a cigarette up I  front of them because you know it will effect them. It's time to step up and do everything humanely possible to kill this virus. Stay home your saving lives. A vaccine is great but a solution to kill the virus will save us all.

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