Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Lets talk about racism

Well one might say it do not exist, but others see it live it and breathe it on a daily basis. From the job we work at to the stores we enter and the schools that teach us and to top it off the law that protects us. This conversation is long over due. Race in America the land of the so called free. Do we really believe that. This country has tried everything in its power to mistreat, misguide and downright murder African american people. America history from the beginning was a unlawful,  unjust, and corrupt. African American people were always down graded, though less of and straight up disrespected. As a African American woman I cry for my people and all they have been through. How could we forget when we look at statues and flags and everything down to the faces on our money that reminds us of the evil past of racism in America. No we will not forget what our ancestors went through and how they were killed, and sold African slaves on auction blocks on wall street , separated children from there parents, brothers and sisters its no wonder why the family structure was so broken. You Burned down black Wallstreet and the homes of striving African Americans.  How can America ever repent for the evil and ugly past that they think should be forgotten. You changed the Bible and torn out the pages that gave hope. Talk about cruel and downright evil. This whole America needs reform. how dare America act like were crazy and just making shit up. America should be ashamed of its self. So now how do we repent and heal these open wounds of hurt. Food for thought 🤔 

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