Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Friday, July 8, 2016


We are all American , the difference is some of us were forced here and some came here on our own. At the wake of all the police shootings in America on black males has become an outrage. The shooting of the 11 police officers is an outrage. So now who wins and were do we go from here, its time we all look inside ourselves, and what has been taught to us from children to adulthood  about other races and cultures. We might don't share the same believes but its ok , your no better than me and I'm no better than you. I work everyday, am a mother, and I want the same things out of life that you expect, I put on a uniform as well, and protect many everyday and yes am a Black woman whom is proud and yes I might say Black lives matter, not because I have anything against another race , but because what is factual.  No one wants to touch such a subject because the truth will set you free, but if the truth makes you mad its because you created the problem that lies at hand. Stop the bias behavior, Stop the hate and unite as a human race and then maybe we can all be truly equal.

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