Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Friday, November 25, 2016

Pink Conversations

Welcome to Pink Conversations Where grown women talk! Now let's get information!

Hey! I know I've been away for a while,  trying to take care of my business. I thank you all who continuously checked and asked "Wheres Pink Conversation at?" Well! I will tell you this!... I was working! Seriously!  I know some of you out there have a lot on your plate just as I do. We try to balance it out but that just makes it even more difficult!  Sometimes you just have to drop everything and focus in 1! And that's what I did. But I missed you guys! So I had to send a Happy Thanksgiving shout out to you! Normally I have this juicy convo going in, but today I just want us to love and appreciate each other. There is so much out there to see and do, why waste your time and invest it in hating or making someone else's life hard?  Isnt life hard enough? Please be good to each other! Call your loved ones, check on the elders, be respectful! You know! The normal stuff that we are supposed to be doing! Lifes too short! 

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