Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Saturday, April 15, 2017

All Things C.U.T.E.


Happy Saturday!  Many of you are probably getting all fancy to hit the streets (and the church) for Easter Sunday tomorrow. Aaaah! I remember back in the day we would get our new kicks and outfit for after church.  I remember being about 10 years old and I just had to have a white denim set like TLC in "What About Your Friends" LOL OMG! My mom agreed to the suit but NOT air brushed and definitely no condoms hanging from it! lol  You couldn't tell me I wasn't cute.  LOL!  Memoriiiiies ;)
 If you haven't done so already, be sure to check out my March article for a really cool Easter inspired breakfast for the kiddies and easy D.I.Y. Spring Flower Vase.

So Moms, Mother's Day is a little under a month away. A day where we celebrate us, our moms, our moms moms, you get the point.   How do you plan to celebrate?  Are you one of those moms who expect the world on Mother's Day, or are you a "it's just another day" type?   Hmmm, well I think I fall somewhere in between.  But more than anything I can appreciate a THOUGHTFUL gift!  Like a Michael's gift card! (hint, hint). 

 Some people are naturally "Good Gift Givers". Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people LOL.  I'm always forced to put a little more effort when it comes to giving gifts of any kind.  Now I'm not knocking good ole' flowers & card but flowers die and cards collect dust.  I like to go the more personal route.  I've put together a Pinterest board that I will be adding to now through Mother's Day with awesome D.I.Y. ideas for moms in your life. Make sure you check it out.  

Now I'll be honest, today is April 14th, one day before this article is to go live.  I had a bit of writers block or better yet lack of inspiration.  I didn't have anywhere to pull from, but this week, boy oh boy!, all that changed.  I had to laugh at the way He works.  That old saying, "He may not come when you call but He's always on time"  couldn't be more true.  So I'll share with you all what inspired to write about Mother's Day.  So for 8 months I've been patiently waiting for my sister to drop this load (baby girl).  Sunday evening we were leaving a friend's baby shower headed back to my house.  Fast forward to 1:30am, I'm just getting into a good sleep when my sister tells me that her water broke.  Ugh!  My first thought was "Can't we just wait until tomorrow morning to go to the hospital".  I was beyond tired.  Needless to say, a half hour later we were in labor and delivery.  I've witnessed baby deliveries in the past, cut a few cords, but this was different.  I think I feel this way because the past deliveries I've witnessed were pre Brooklynn (my daughter).  Having a child really makes you take in things differently.  It was awesome being apart the delivery.  Riley Reign was born Monday April, 10th @12:06pm; dead smack in the middle of the Lifetime movie that I was watching lol!  So for April's article is dedicated to Riley.  Thanks for the inspiration niece.  
Thanks for checking in this month. Until next month, keep it C.U.T.E.
Check out Riley's first selfie below:

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