Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Hot Spot!

The Hot Spot is an interview series. Interviewing dope people doing dope things! This month's Hot Spot is a celebration of our mothers!

When all of the dust settles and the damage is done, it starts to clear up and whose there with you? Your mother. Shes the only true best friend. No matter what she always has your back! But when your wrong, she doesnt hesitate to put you in your place either! She is who us women aspire to become. She is full of strength and compassion. She is everything! For without her, there would be no us!  And just so you know how we feel. Here are some very special mothers in our lives here at Envision Magazine.

Some of our mothers aren't here with us anymore. But are still loved and cherished just the same.

Being a mother to me means being an example for my girls. Showing them all sides of being a woman. The good. The bad and the ugly.  Letting them know that its ok to not fit the mold and create your own!

A mothers job is never done! Even though the goal might be 18 (lol) the commitment is for life! But the relationship changes a little. Yes its still Mommy, but Mommy becomes your best friend!

If you ever wonder how your children feel about you, look at them. Watch them. You created the space for them to be who they are. They might not tell you, but they are watching and what you instilled in them shows!

I remember my every time my mother was off from work during a school day, we would wake up with the smell of homemade blueberry pancakes eggs and bacon she would squeeze fresh orange juice and she would drive us to school and not have to take the bus. To this day when smell blueberry pancakes it takes reminds me of her and those special days we would get every so often.

Being a mother means feeling complete. Having someone whom you love totally and loves you back unconditionally. The  feeling is indescribable. 

Mother =Unconditional Love 

Happy Mothers Day!

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