Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Monday, June 12, 2017

The Hot Spot!

Interviewing dope people, doing dope things!

This Hot Spot Interview is about ROP Nation. What is ROP Nation? Well I'll let our guest tell you!

Tell us about yourselves your background how you grew up so we can get a clear idea of the life you live and who you are?


My name is Algenelerro Frazier, first name pronounced Al-Jenel-Row. I was born in Cleveland, Ohio and raised between Berea, Ohio and Miami, Florida. My father wasn’t around much. 1. Is because he was in Cleveland and I was in Miami but 2. Because he was an alcoholic and whenever I was around him when I was younger he would drop me off with family instead of spend time with me.
While in Miami, my mother remarried and her husband was very abusive to me physically and mentally. He would tell me that I would have to play him in a game of chess as early as the age of five and if I won I would not get a beating but if I did lose, which always was the case, I would get beat. So I was mentally and physically a victim as a child through neglect, psychological torment and being hit by a men who were father figures.
My God father Reje Showers and my Grandfather R.B. Scott however were my saviors. Both men filled that father void and both men helped shape who I am today.
Reje was a philosopher and instead of hitting me he would sit with me and talk whenever I was out of line. He was one of the first people to challenge the way the world was around me the right way without being a rebel without a cause. His profession is that of a concert producer and since the age of 13 I would be underneath him while he worked. By the age of 15 I was responsible for picking the artist who would open up for Luke of the 2 Live Crew from Miami, Fl. Reje showed me early on how to be an entrepreneur and to not let fear hold me back from living out my dreams.
My grandfather R.B. was a man of faith and a traditional family man. He was married to my grandmother for over 50 years and she was his first and only wife. He worked almost 50 years for the GMC Chevrolet plant in Brookpark, Ohio and never missed a day. He was honest on all regards and taught me what a real man of integrity and faith looked like.
He raised me with a loving heart and a kind tongue. That in itself would be all he needed because disappointing him alone was enough to bring me to shame and tears.
As a student and athlete coming up I was always the first and the best in whatever I put my mind to but I was also stubborn and lazy because I did not have a strong accountability team being raised by a single parent mother and grandparents who by that time, were too old to be effective.
For the most part I learned life the hard way, although a lot of people who knows me will tell you that I can do anything I want to and have built something from nothing time and time again. If I had one major weakness in life it would be that I was a master at making bad decisions from good intentions.
Later in life this would lead me to bad relationships, drugs and being a massive waste of talent absorbed by depression and a sense of lose all the time. It did not matter how many celebrities I knew, how many small successes I had, I was a mess and that included having the wrong people in my life as well. It is amazing to me now to know that no matter where I was in life, somehow God was planning on using me for a bigger plan.


My name is Brian Flores i am of dominican heritage i am 38 years old and live in Florida. I have 2 kids and am married. I grew up in New York in the north section of the Bronx with a single mom and a younger sister. I grew up in a lower income neighborhood where i resulted in selling drugs and being violent and a criminal. My mother could not handle me the streets did. I did 6 years in prison and made a lot of bad decisions. I was a lost child and young adult. As the years gone by i grew wiser and realized this criminal minded life was not for me, so i seeked God and excepted Jesus as my savior. Now i am in ROP Nation to help change minds of thr youth so they won't make the same mistakes i did.

How did the 2 of you meet?


I met Brian at Coral Springs Auto Mall initially. He was a salesmen in Buick GMC and I was over the Business Development Center as the Director. Always smiling and positive is the first thing you notice about a guy like Brian and when we met again it was at Church by the Glades. Rite of Passage Nation was already formed and I knew he would be a perfect fit for what it is we were doing for children and we are blessed to have him because I is the only person who motivates me as a motivator and keeps me on my toes as the lead speaker and I thank God for him tremendously. He will be very powerful as a mentor, empowerment person and human being and I am excited to be able to get a front row seat for that.  


I met Algenelerro Frazier at coral springs auto mall a car dealership. He was the manager of a business development center and i was a car salesman. I started talking to him because i told him that he reminded me of LLCOOL J`s character in the movie in to deep and he laughed. So from there it was history. I got fired from coral springs auto mall in which we lost contact. A year later we re united at church by the glades. I asked him what he was doing now he said he was a motivational speaker and that was something i always wanted to do. We exchanged numbers.

Tell us what ROP Nation is what's it all about and how did it come to be?


Rite of Passage Nation’s mission is to show people that they can do anything no matter how young or old. That you are a perfect, incredible person because you were designed by God. We are called to release the “I Am Power” in everyone we come across. The power that you were born with that is God given that kills all fear and doubt once you understand who and whose you are. R.O.P. Nation is most definitely all God inspired, non-religious, organization and purely those who are a part of it are following the call. In 2010 I was in a terrible car accident and I had his presence and that experience fed a vision in me with what we were going to be doing with children and young adults and also what would become of me as a speaker, author and event producer.
One thing that I understood is that all the negative things I was into and bad decisions I made, it was as necessary in my becoming Algenelerro the “Powerful Motivational Speaker”, as college courses is important to a doctors career. Without the life lessons and mistakes I would not be doing what I am doing now and at least not on the scale of what I am doing. As someone who gives advice on how to make it through until you are successful, I needed the failure, abuse and addictions.
There is hardly a conversation we can have about being on this earth where I won’t have a strong understanding for that situation and I knew it is a powerful tool to have talking to children and adults going through things because they know it is coming from a place of love and pure truth. As I was conquering the things of my life it developed me into being an advocate against such things and a leader to follow God in creating R.O.P. Nation.
I would literally wake up in cold sweats with this thought that if I do not do what I know he is telling me, I will die. So November 17th 2015 I walked on faith and walked away from the corporate world where at the time I was making $8,000 a month. I decided to take off a year, I started writing my first book “Manipuliar” and with people who believed in the mission, started Rite Of Passage Nation, Youth and Adult Empowerment Organization or R.O.P. Nation for short.


ROP Nation is a non profit God inspired youth and adults empowering program. Mostly for the youth. I've been involved for almost 2 years and a partner with Algenelerro Frazier.

Who is the typical ROP Nation clientele and what population do you serve?


Depending on the event, R.O.P. Nation is for everybody. We use volunteers with our events that assist special needs and those who help are filled with the greatest joy known to man. These volunteers are mostly young and older adults. We have teamed up with United Cerebral Palsy and R.O.P. is called on several times a year to host S.T.E.P Up and Play Days, Ambition Building engagements and career building events for the special need community.
R.O.P. has developed events for young men and women in the likes of “Pearls for Girls Empowerment Seminar and GQ (God Quality) Rite of Passage Camping Retreat for the guys. These seminars are for youth and young adults to teach goal planning, battling fear, facing problems, teaching man and woman skills that are cross gender and gender specific like changing spark plugs to the right way to apply foundation with makeup and finally Self Worth.
These seminars are hosted in three cities in the U.S. and we are growing every year. Besides the seminars and R.O.P. Nations Speakers going to different schools and events to speak we have created something for everyone called “I Am Power!”, A mega two day concert and motivational conference that fuses together entertainment and empowerment like no other event. This event has been created to tour the nation and donate proceeds back to the community in the sum of 10 to 25%.
Truly a pure fundraising machine for nonprofits who need the extra help. It is an event opened to all volunteers, investors and donors as possible to keep the mission going so there are many ways to be a part of this major event.


ROP Nation has a broad audience. It is for everyone and anybody.

This is such a wonderdul organization and a strong calling what was the pivitol moment in your life when you knew this is what you wanted to do and this is what you are about?


I cannot speak for everyone apart of R.O.P. but for me what lets me know that this is an awesome organization with an awesome platform is because of how fast we have grown in the last year. From 3 board members in one city, to 40 members in 4 different states. When this first started it felt as if I was interviewed for a position and accepted the job not really having any passion for what I agreed to do. But after releasing all thoughts and totally dying to myself and letting God control my life my passion and joy is at a level that I never thought imaginable.
This first started for me as a burden. I never wanted to be a leader or have a company whose mission is to help and be called a “Non Profit”. I am from the world that money equates to success and sometimes I walk a thin line when speaking to corporations who want to see their bottom line grow in the max profit category and hire me to help motivate their employees to form that understanding for their max effort to be given when at work but money does not equate to success. I found success is finding one’s purpose and living in the spotlight and not in the shadows. Success is finding happiness in the middle of a storm. Success is killing the weakness monsters that hold you back. Success is applying the lessons in failing as you continue to move forward and progress. Success is not giving anyone power for you to say they mad you mad, sad or glad. No one controls your emotions but you and controlling one’s emotions is needed in the world of success. Mastering the “martial art” of you for the best you that can be, is being successful.
After realizing my purpose in life was helping people find their purpose in life and motivate them to retrieve it is when I not only found myself but knew the plan God had for me was greater then any plan I could have ever come up with for myself. 


I started listening to Les Brown a mentor and many morw motivational speakers, that's when i knew i wanted to speak to the world.

This is not an easy task before you counsel or advise your clients what mental preparation do you go through tell us what your day looks like?


I have a prayer that I say that is simple and sweet, “Lord guard my heart and my tongue and let whatever comes out of my heart and mouth be of you and not me.” One of the hardest things for me was to die to myself. That means learn that God has all the control and to learn how to stop getting in the way of his designed plan for my life. I once heard a pastor say, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your ideas of what you want to do”. Dying to yourself means you stop over thinking, over worrying and over prepping.
Preparing in a since is a non-stoppable force that you have to continue to scoped your mind at all times. Forever learning, observing and absorbing the things around you and in you. Learning from any and every experience as possible so that you can apply it to your day to day. My grandmother said “There is nothing new under the sun.” Therefore, the more scenarios I study, through being a witness in person, reading about or watching on different media platforms is the more prepared I will be prepared when that type of scenario comes into my world from the person or persons I am advising.
When I am speaking to a crowd, I speak in general and a lot of people have in one way or another experienced some type of situation that they can relate too. I tell stories for the most part and I do it in such a way that I get lost in the emotion of the story. At times I cry, laugh or feel the spirit of sadness because of how I get lost in what it is I am saying. This helps however is listening draw into what I am saying and also find credit in what I am saying because it is coming from a real place.
I may bullet point key points on the topic at hand, may study or refresh my memory on the prime subject but I rarely practice a delivery because when I did it that way I felt fake and I’m sure who I was talking to could since it. In the beginning I had to find my voice and have been blessed to come to the realization that my voice was just that, me speaking from the heart and as myself and not some practiced actor delivering a speech with no real emotions invested in it.


Before I counsel my audience I listen very well before speaking and allow them to express themselves before I advise my amazing clients. My mental preparation is patience and absorbing their energy. My typical day is challenging because I try to feel what my audience feels before I even speak.

What is the worst situation you ever had to counsel?

For me this is a weird question for a life coach or empowerment person. What is the meaning of the word worse in my world? I think anyone called to empower people want the most lost and difficult person known to man. It is exciting watching the universe support you in changing someone’s temporary view of their selves in the situation they’re in for a better, more positive outlook.
True it is all God but yes it is me. I did that, I helped that person and I am proud of the vessel I have become to be such a positive force in people’s lives. Because of my opened ear to God I helped those two find love, I helped this person stop thinking about suicide by explaining that no two days are the same and it always gets greater later. I helped this person get the courage to live for their greatness.
True, it comes with a big responsibility with what comes out of you but if you always come from a humbled place of service then the law of averages will take care of the rest. If I want to manage a year on being kind and helpful I may have a bad month but not a bad year. If I work on having a month filled with positive motivating and advice giving, I will have a bad week but not a bad month. Well, I have worked so hard in this short time that I am so focused on my responsibility of being a positive life bringer into people that I manage my minutes.
There is a guy that I advised by the name of Kevin. He was with his girl for 8 years and she told him she was ready to move. After hearing him out I asked him did he love her and could he live without her because if he kept allowing her to go in the direction she was going in, he was going to lose her. Of course he said yes he loves her and did not want to leave without her.
I told him that it was of most importance that he proposed to her as soon as possible like TODAY! I told him that the reason she is leaving is because she has waited long enough and does not feel that their relationship was growing any further.
You see men are the “Trees of Hope” and woman are “The Vines of Life” and the vine will stay on the tree as long as he grows to a height that she is comfortable at but if he stops growing and she wants to go further, then at that time she will find another tree.
At the time of our consultation she was in law school and pushed him towards his passion but after he had launch himself into that career field he stopped giving her the attention she desired although it had seemed they were best of friends as a couple.
My advice to him after telling me he had saved for this ring for a year was simple. First, she had to know this wasn’t a spare of the moment thing or she is not going to think it came from his heart. Second, no matter what she said and did to let her keep the ring because she deserved it with her eight year investment and that it was hers to do as she wished.
I let him know that sometimes when people want to move away it is for clarity and there might be someone helping her mind become unfocused on you but she wanted to respect you and not do anything wrong as a couple under the same roof and that is something that he has to be prepared for and no matter what, do not exploded and remain her friend and understanding but also show her the man she has been looking for because after eight years, there is no way she didn’t truly love her.
Well the next day he text me with pictures showing their beautiful night as he ordered the flowers, desert tray and photographer. Saying thank you and that I was his angel. You would have thought that I had succeeded in saving a relationship but that was just the tip of the ice berg. She told him that she had to think about it. Soon after things started to be revealed like another interest. He started to fall apart becoming depressed and talks of doing something stupid. The whole while, I never changed the message nor the dream of them being together. Never did I tell him it was not meant to be or not feed life into him. I told him to trust God, not worry and remain a constant friend and support to her and to take all that she was doing as him creating that world from things he did not do as a man and to take ownership.
For me it was hard because I was once him. A man fighting for his family and I shared the faith I was telling him about, yet my story did not end well with the birds whistling and chirping happy songs of a story that was heavenly kissed at the end. Mine ended in court year after year and me fighting to have say in my child’s life. Never-the-less, I had to stick to what was right and what I knew to be great advice. Be the person they expect you to be for you and not because it is for them and stay the course. I did tell him that it may not end the way he wanted it to but at least he would have more understanding from taking ownership.
It was rough watching him go through the things he did as he felt like a doormat. One rule is that he send me ever email, text or smoke signal first so that I could screen is vomit of emotions. I remember what I was like and knew that is the worst thing any man could do is to be emotional like a woman. It is not attractive and shows of weakness.
Because his situation was so close to home and at a time that I was still dealing with some of the negative feelings from my situation and still going to court did it make this scenario hard for me.  I questioned myself every day. Was it Algenelerro or God helping this guy? Was I giving him the right advice as a counselor or was it self-motivated? Most importantly, was I helping or harming these two beautiful people.
You are not always going to make the right choices in whatever you do but it is important to remain humble, faithful, positive and strong. It did not matter if they got married or not because I cannot control what happened in the past nor can I control people’s decisions or choices after they come in contact with me because I do not practice manipulation. What I can control though is coaching these life players to have better experiences in the storms they maneuver in and for them to learn how to dance in the rain so that when the good weather of life comes, they will be prepared and ready for better days.
Kevin and his fiancé will be saying their I-dos fall 2018.


My worst situation that I had to counsel was when a friend of mine told me that his girlfriend lost her dog actually Algenelerro was there as well. We were about to have a couple of drinks to celebrate our success in our movement. When this occurred the situation kind of hit me at home. I am a animal lover and I was a little upset, but Algenelerro helped me explain to the youngster that all this was a test that life has for us. At the end Algenelerro helped me grow into being a better leader in difficult situations. My friend and his girlfriend ended up finding their dog.

When you're dealing with a client do the both of you tend to the client at the same time? Do you feed off of each other? Or do you take a client each. How does that work between the two of you?


I love this question because I truly look forward for Brian to build himself up as he goes on this journey of helping people. I have not experienced him with people up close and personal because each experience is intimate and his journey has recently begun. I have witnessed his motivational talks and comments with the public and know that he is the most passionate person that I have ever met.
He is a very powerful person and does not play when it comes to loving people and or his God. It is my honor to have him as a partner and someone a part of my support system and accountability team. I am sure soon we will be chipping away together at certain cases with people but even then, no matter how strong you get in this field it is better to talk to people one on one.
In doing this profession of being a speaker and life coach the number one rule is called 80/20. This means you let your subject speak 80% while counseling and giving advice and you speak 20%. The good book says, “How can you learn while giving up the tongue of fools. Fools are those who talk without listening first.” I always keep this in mind when advising someone because the last thing you want to do is cut someone off before finding the deeper issue and looking dumb to your captive audience. Listen and learn. That can be difficult as a tag team duel. Just because you have the same positive understanding, it doesn’t mean your opinion or understanding on every issue will match 100% and you need to sterilize the spirit like a surgical instrument keeping it pure and sharp at all times.
There's a lot on social media that portray the youth as violent and careless offenders on one spectrum and then these power houses on the other side of that same spectrum. With the 2 of you working as close as you are with the youth, can you give us an overall idea of the direction of our children?
That is impossible. Kids are kids are kids. From the beginning of time there has and always will be all kinds of characters. The important thing to do is to be there for as many as possible and guide them all to a positive tomorrow. A good kid today can be a monster tomorrow and a monster today and turn into the next Algenelerro. Brian’s story is one of the prison system and bad choices and I know there is no better story then the one of those right in front of you. A good kid gone bad and a bad kid gone good but through prayers and strength of the family we are here today saving the world one kid and adult at a time. A man can be lost for 40 years but it only takes 4 seconds to be enlightened for real life change that last forever. 

Where can we find more info about ROP Nation?


You can find us at ROP Nation Inc. on Facebook and As for us as individuals all Algenelerro’s Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts can be searched by his name, Algenelerro Frazier. Recently we started filming a documentary called “Fed Up For Change” featuring Algenelerro and ROP nation as they serve, speak and build the empowerment of the nation one person at a time.

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

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