Affirmations for the inner soul.

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As a women am motivated by determination of accomplishment. When I have my mind set out to achieve something , I let nothing get in the way...

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Housing Discrimination

I always wondered what was housing discrimination. I traveled to Washington DC and went to the African American museum and they had a display on housing discrimination.  Wow I wondered this has been going on before I was born and still is going on. It's so unbelievable in 2019 that housing discrimination exists but it does. I wondered look at the program's they have set in place because of housing discrimination and the program is the perfect example of that housing discrimination exists in 2019. Why would we need these programs if they didnt exist. It's so shameful that in 2019 you can make enough money to afford to buy a home , your rent is twice as much as a mortgage but your credit score and late payments and student loans and credit card debt can all stop you from becoming a homeowner. This tactic spells out discrimination at its biggest form. I remember when I was 18 there was no financial education about credit and the importance of it and that were the issues started.  Then the credit score became the other issue and the list went on. FICO score why it neccessary to know a persons race and ethnicity on applications it's discrimination period. These things must change as people educate themselves you will find out that it's a big game that is played on the backs of the working poor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vào sữa sở hữu chứa nồng độ IgG vô cùng cao.